Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mindlessly Educated

Delaying reality through registration;

Temporary vacation from vocation,

Only to return, mindless education;

Admiration for corporation,

Building foundation for general frustration;

Filtered through university,

Subjected to subject piversity.

Fleeting dreams, yet focused goals;

Lost on youth; newly uninspired souls.

A welcomed castration;

A standing ovation;

It's the dissertation of graduation;

It's the misinterpretation lost in translation;

The hesitation of an entire generation;

Falling short of parental adoration;

It's an impossible deviation from exploitation;

It's an ignorance for the correlated consternation.

Decline the invitation for uninspired innovation;

Demand a transformation of legislation,

A misguided, seemingly divided communication.

Take a temporary vacation from vocation,

Only to delay reality through registration.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Lost Sheep--->Lost Sleep

I'm counting sheep;
1, 2, 3,
I'm craving sleep;
4, 5, 6,
I'm dreaming of dreaming,
7, 8, 9,
My mind left silently screaming;
10, 11, 12
I'm better than this, I swear;
13, 14, 15
I swear, as if you really care.
I've finished counting on anything but me,
Fuck the sheep, I"ll let them be.
And as I do, my eyes close slow yet steady;
I learn what I thought that I knew already.
I'd hold you now, I'd hold you then,
I'll be what I thought I've always been.
Filled with emotion, ready for you.
Dreaming of dreaming, it almost seems true.
Your smile ends all of this fear;
If only tonight you were here,
Just long enough to see me through,
I'd still be counting, but only on you.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Backwards Thinking For a Forward TIme

Reparations of emancipations;
Misguided misfortunes fueled by forward thought.
What should be, shouldn't be, ought not be, ought not.
We're all depressed, we're all suffering in the same way.
We don't all win, America won't let us, not today...
Not tomorrow, while we make up for yesterday.
It's backward thinking for forward thinkers,
Liberal campaigns with a liberal agenda;
Misguided youth swallowing spoon-fed referenda.
When white fades to black;
Only then do we give back.
When men morphs to women;
It's even steven.
The terms are blurred toward discrimination;
A downright constitutional OBAMA-nation.
We'll fight the fight 'til we lose self-respect;
Convince ourselves as we reflect;
Connect the dots that we must dissect,
Push forward with misinterpreted dialect.
Only then, are our wrongs corrected,
And old problems newly resurrected.
We'll look in the mirror and see our reflection;
A direction without protection from unjust rejection.
Only now, we feel what they felt,
Helplessly praying, knees bleeding as they knelt.
Only now, do we finally see, we finally know how it truly will be.
Through civil authority of the moral majority;
We've all just become one complaining minority.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Corporate Queen

Little bees working seemingly alone;
Work that's never done, never fun.
Queen bee sitting on the throne.
Perhaps she watches, eyes so luring.
'Make me honey, bring me money'
Salaried little bees, none created equal;
deemed equal by the ignorant Queen.
Work is work, sight unseen.
Build her empire to lose your stinger;
Falling to death and put through the ringer.
Miracle bee, honey-less, must lead the others.
Coming together, like family, like humbled lost brothers.
Defeated bees march through the hive;
Swarming together, but barely alive.
One super bee, together they thrive.
Stage set--dim, slightly erotic;
Queen unknowing the slaves are psychotic.
She's pummeled, she's open, she's filled to the brim.
She's shocked, half-cocked, the audience grim.
The marching bees will pillage, will steal, even kill.
Stinger stolen, the queen closes her eyes.
A life full of luxury ends in demise.
Little bees working seemingly alone.