Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mindlessly Educated

Delaying reality through registration;

Temporary vacation from vocation,

Only to return, mindless education;

Admiration for corporation,

Building foundation for general frustration;

Filtered through university,

Subjected to subject piversity.

Fleeting dreams, yet focused goals;

Lost on youth; newly uninspired souls.

A welcomed castration;

A standing ovation;

It's the dissertation of graduation;

It's the misinterpretation lost in translation;

The hesitation of an entire generation;

Falling short of parental adoration;

It's an impossible deviation from exploitation;

It's an ignorance for the correlated consternation.

Decline the invitation for uninspired innovation;

Demand a transformation of legislation,

A misguided, seemingly divided communication.

Take a temporary vacation from vocation,

Only to delay reality through registration.

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