Tuesday, July 12, 2011

EMT Love

I don't know where to start or how to put this in perspective;
Go on offensive and form a directive, however ineffective;
My chest seems heavy, hand so steady;
For anything, and any reason I just seem so ready.
I could dig in and massage my beating heart,
destroy anything attempting to pull us apart.
If I look you in your eyes and tell you I love you more,
so much more than before,
would i just be a bore?
add to routine and feel like a chore?
I can feel excitement emptying from every pore.
You're keeping me alive, just be my paramedic;
Or better yet, my nurse;
I'm just being playful, trust me, i'm not trying to perverse;
You can't perverse perfection;
or misinterpret misdirection.
I'd rather thank you for loving me without exception;
Without expectation
I just want to return the favor;
I could eat you up, you're such a life saver.
I'm struggling to put this correctly;
Do you even get it if I don't tell you directly?
I feel so strongly, the words just fall apart;
so I guess we'll just go back to the start.
Cuz I love the part where you're the one holding my heart.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Passed away

My mind is thoughtless, finally clear;
This year, so secure, with you here.
You've questioned me, you've doubted me, re-routed me.
Eyes forced open, Finally well enough to see.
I'm not going back to dark times;
I'm running toward the light.
Not giving into past crimes;
I'm putting up a fight.
I'm boxing denial, tackling pain.
Life is so worthwhile, passed trying to maintain.
I'm growing with each moment, following my heart;
Ripped it from my sleeve to find a fresh new start.
I can't thank you enough, no possible way;
So I'll show you, each and everyday.
Love you without condition;
No use for suspicion or hateful ammunition.
I never would have thought I could be here;
I've triumphed over hatred, moved passed all the fear.
I'm ready for forever, I'm loving you more;
More with each new minute, more than I ever have before.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Love Sick

It starts with your head,
Congested with desire.
It pulls at your eyes,
Burdened with beauty.
It scratches at your throat,
Pained with your taste.
It clings to your body,
Shaking with disaster.
It coarses through your veins,
Polluted with isolated thoughts.
It passes through your heart,
Attacked with absence.
It lives in your brain,
Kidnapped with hope.
Love. Sick.