Monday, March 14, 2011

Passed away

My mind is thoughtless, finally clear;
This year, so secure, with you here.
You've questioned me, you've doubted me, re-routed me.
Eyes forced open, Finally well enough to see.
I'm not going back to dark times;
I'm running toward the light.
Not giving into past crimes;
I'm putting up a fight.
I'm boxing denial, tackling pain.
Life is so worthwhile, passed trying to maintain.
I'm growing with each moment, following my heart;
Ripped it from my sleeve to find a fresh new start.
I can't thank you enough, no possible way;
So I'll show you, each and everyday.
Love you without condition;
No use for suspicion or hateful ammunition.
I never would have thought I could be here;
I've triumphed over hatred, moved passed all the fear.
I'm ready for forever, I'm loving you more;
More with each new minute, more than I ever have before.

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